The Chestnut Forge is a place that encourages individuality and loving every bit of yourself and your life, because you are incredibly you.
Everyday, whether we believe it or not, society and the people around us influence our choices and beliefs, and this causes so many of us to believe we are not good enough. At The Chestnut Forge, you are more than that; you can feel safe to just be yourself, because you should always be free to love who you are and enjoy being that person 100%.
Each item created in The Chestnut Forge studio is unique and expressive, like you, a reminder to embrace yourself and know your worth, to respect your individuality, and live with integrity and courage, despite the challenges life brings.
Be yourself without fear. Find comfort and enjoyment in choosing your own path. Sprinkle your glitter around, share your own special kind of love, wherever you go.
The hands that make:
Heartache brought me to my knees, having found myself emerging from an emotionally and physically damaging decade long marriage. After so many years, hiding from it, covering my bruises in makeup, quietly pretending I was happy and safe, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw but a shadow of my former self. It left me feeling so weak and insignificant, so very unimportant, so very worthless.
Somehow, I gathered the strength and courage to reclaim myself as an individual that was capable of greatness and a value to humanity, and this was just the first tiny step on the journey to learning to walk in love with myself again.
Creating the Chestnut Forge helped me to realize that whatever disaster happened today, I would still have to have the courage to wake up and greet the day tomorrow as long as I had life in my body. Determination and a positive attitude in the face of fear go a long way to finding the true happiness that lies within.
It is my triumph through adversity, and it has been quite an incredible and humbling journey. As a result of my experiences during that chapter in my life, I’ve become much stronger, and I have created this special place that embraces everything it means to be yourself, because you are worthy of every beautiful thing that life has to offer.
I’m glad you’re here, and I’m pleased to share this journey with you. Thank you for walking with me.
What’s in a name:
One of my favorite memories in all of the world has been taking walks in a nearby forest with my dad, a man with whom I was always safe, a man who always protected me, who stood behind me, through thick and thin, encouraging me to be brave and keep moving forward, who always saw me with loving eyes.
Walking in those woods with him, I felt safe, at ease; it was one of the only times in my life that I felt like I could just be myself and be happy, and I wanted more than anything to capture that feeling of peace and love and safety, to experience and to share that with others each time I walked into my studio. After so much time spent walking in that forest, now, in my mind’s eye, I had found it…the forge built into the base of these strong roots, the forge in which joy and peace and personal meaning are infused into each piece that is created, The Chestnut Forge.
In this place, I took refuge, cultivating my craft and technique, flourishing in the beauty of my sanctuary, developing into an even stronger human, realizing my dreams and standing by my convictions. Now, as my journey continues, my work seeks to offer the reminder that you, too, are a courageous and beautiful human, capable of endless possibilities, and here, at The Forge, you are safe, you are loved, and you’re allowed to be you.
Our Promise:
Last, but most certainly not least, it is our greatest desire that you LOVE your items from The Chestnut Forge. If you have any questions, needs, or just love your new acquisition, let me know. Please get in touch, so we can chat about it! For information about returns or exchanges, please see our policies page.